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What’s In A Company Name? Everything.

Guess what? Your new business is about to become nearly as important as your own offspring.

You will end up investing much emotional energy, sweat equity and hard earned money into a living, breathing business system that not only supports you and your family, but also future employees and their families.

The name of your company is an important part of who your brand will become. It will conjure up mental images and promises in the minds of your target customers once the name becomes known through all of your marketing communications activities.

What is so important about choosing the right name for your business? Well, for starters, it needs to be something that most people can easily remember.

Having a name that describes the business can also be helpful so people know immediately what the company does, although this isn’t mandatory. “Float Space” is an simple name to remember and find online. They are a relaxation business offering customers big tubs of water filled with Epson salts and a way to unwind through the experience of floating on water. Our sister company, Activ8 Education and Training is an educational arm of our marketing business which provides integrated marketing know-how to small businesses.

Google or Apple do not have descriptive names but we still all know what they do as they are market leaders (after millions spent on marketing), which your business could be one day. However, not all businesses reach this level of fame so coming up with a name that spells our your product or service area makes it easier for your target customer to take action on.


  1. When you are choosing a name, try to get one that isn’t too long so that your online domain (www) address is effortless to remember and type in. Stay away from hyphens and numbers in the domain, if you can avoid it.
  2. There are literally millions of businesses that have been created thanks to the Internet so it may be a challenge to find a domain name that matches your business’ name that is available. You may have to try a variance of your chosen name such as we did with because the root of our name was already taken.
  3. Keep it short. Ensure whatever you do, that your name isn’t so long that it is laborious for people to remember, or type in as a domain.
  4. You can check to see what domain names may be available on sites such as  for the company names you are considering. Often times, it can be the available domain name that helps you to decide on your final company name!

Welcome to the information age that we live in and the adventure of choosing a name for your business. Don’t get frustrated if it takes you a little while as it is a very important component of who your brand will become. It took us a few months to name our business fifteen years ago.

We look forward to hearing about your new company and the name you chose!


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